The mosquitoes were TERRIBLE! No, terrible doesn't even begin to come close to how awful they were. I think by the end of the weekend we collectively went through about 6 cans of OFF Deep Woods.
We saw this deer as we were driving out to our site. I think it turned out to be the perfect setting for a photo :)
Miss Aayla was happy to get there. She's like a whole new dog once she sees the water.
The path down to the water. So happy the water level went down considerably from the last time we were there.
Miss Aayla waiting for someone to come swim with her :)
I just thought this plane looked too cool not to take a photo. I can't believe how much of the plane you could actually see!
The view from the fire pit
Our home for the weekend
A dragonfly that was stuck in our screen tent. Don't worry, I set him free.
Probably the least favorite part of the weekend, besides the mosquitoes, was seeing this LARGE snapping turtle. The rock that it is on is huge so you can only imagine how big the turtle is!
One of the streams we cross over getting to the site
Our river :)
Ever see a close up of what I believe is a horse fly? No? Me either. So now we both have seen one :)
Our friends children enjoying throwing rocks in the river.
All three kids that were up with their families.
My husband Mike fishing :) He didn't catch anything.
All the kids going tubing.
Miss Aayla and her "boyfriend" Shadow. They don't share well.
Our friend Pete and the nice Northern he caught.
My husband and I with Miss Aayla
Our whole group that came up for the weekend :)
This turkey we spotted as we were heading out of town.
These two turtles were on either side of a bridge we have to go over.
Can you believe the claws on this one!!!
I'll leave you with this last photo. Every time we drive by I want to stop. It always looks so peaceful. This time I actually asked Mike to stop. So glad I did. I hope everyone had a great weekend!